Product Features



With our FREE CRM, you gain a 360-degree view of each customer. Effortlessly add, manage, and find contact details, store documents, and access a comprehensive activity history for each contact, including scheduled events, projects, quotes, and invoices.


Additionally, our FREE CRM Dashboard features KPI charts and graphs, giving you a clear analytical overview of your contacts.KPI charts and graphs to give you an overview of your contacts.

Top Features

Accounting Management


With our simplified Accounting Management software, you gain a comprehensive financial overview of your business. Easily manage estimates, expenses, income, invoicing, and payroll, including pay slip creation. Generate detailed financial reports on income, expenses, sales tax, account balances, and transactions. Utilize the Financial Dashboard for an overview of your financial data with KPI charts in any currency.

Top Features

Calendar Management


With our FREE Calendar Management application, you are easily able to add, manage, share, and find your appointment information in a centralized database.

Top Features

HR Management


With ProClick simplified HR Management software, you are easily able to add, manage and find your employee information in a centralized database. You can create pay slips and schedules, store documents to each employee, and add time-off. Employees can request for time-off and employers can approve/ deny the request.


You will have a comprehensive historical view of each employee – including pay slips, time-off, and scheduling. You will also get an HR Management Dashboard to give you an overview of your employees using KPI charts. 

Top Features

Project Management


With ProClick simplified Project Management software, you are easily able to add, manage and find your projects. You can track your projects progress, view the status, assign project task to other users, categorize and prioritize projects, and set deadlines and budgets. You also get a Project Management Dashboard to give you an overview of all your projects using KPI charts.    

Top Features

Task Management


With ProClick simplified Task Management software, you are easily able to add, manage and find your tasks. Your tasks are automatically synced from the Project Management software however, you can manually add tasks to your to-do list, assign task to other users, and categorize and prioritize tasks – including flagging, and setting date and time deadlines for your tasks.   

Top Features

Additional Features